

Vágner Department Store
Sales assistant, 07/2022 - 12/2023
Brno, CZE

Vágner department store is a general department store business established more than a hundred years ago in 1907. The store sells office supplies and other stationery products, artistic supplies, gift assortment, more recently also toys.

I worked at Vágner for two summers as a sales assistant all over the store, mainly in the office supply department. My job was to keep my section in order and refill what was missing, protect the goods from stealers and offer support to customers who needed it.

Sales assistant, 06/2021 - 08/2021
Brno, CZE

Terranova is a clothes shop, itself part of a larger company, Solitaire under Teddy Group. The company has a long tradition and focuses on modern and popular fashion products for men, women and children.

I worked at Terranova as a sales assistant for a little over two months as a summer job. My objective was to make sure my section of the store was tidy, helped the customers and protected the goods from being stolen.


  • Czech (and Slovak) - native
  • English - fluent, C2
  • French - beginner, A2
  • Latin - complete beginner
  • office applications
    • MS Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
    • LibreOffice (Writer, Calc, Impress)
    • Google Workspace (Docs, Sheets, Slides)
  • plain-text (LaTeX, Markdown)
  • web frontend (HTML, CSS, JS)
  • configuration/database (TOML, JSON)
  • scripting (Python, Bash)
  • people management
  • legal writing
  • technical writing
  • tutoring
  • event management
  • project finance


St. Cyril and Methodius Grammar School and Pedagogical Secondary School
Grammar school, 09/2017 - now
Brno, CZE

St. Cyril and Methodius Grammar School and Pedagogical Secondary School are two schools under one roof. A grammar school with many awesome teachers and one of the few pedagogical secondary schools in the country. The students are incredible too, very active on top of the obligatory.

The school is one of the best in the country, with a clear vision and great leadership. The school is open to new possibilities and to communication with its students and employees.

I learned a lot at this school and met my best friends there. I was a part of a student administrative initiative and I organized several school events through it. I received support in my academic and artistic ventures.

Měnín Elementary School
Elementary school, 09/2012 - 06/2017
Měnín, CZE


See all my web-dev projects here!

A Study of Plant Alkaloids Hunnemanine, Papaverine and Quinine Through Modern Methods of Analysis
06/2023 - 02/2024
Brno, CZE

During the second half of 2023, I worked on a paper about alkaloids and the use of modern methods of analysis to examine them. The paper is in Czech (full translation COMING SOON!).

I learned a lot from writing it and doing all the experiments for it. I did most of the experimental part on my own (with the help of a consultant), I found the sources myself and conducted the research by myself.

AstroPi Hackathon Brno 2023
Competition for high school students, 24. - 25. 11. 2023
Brno, CZE

Together with the same group of friends of mine, I again organized a competition for high schoolers. This year, we helped the participants come up with a method to measure the speed of the ISS for a new conception of the AstroPi Challenge international competition.

My job this year was to secure enough money from our generous sponsors to buy enough food, merchandise and printing. I communicated with regional and city offices. I moderated the entire event and took care of the registrations.

School Representation Ball
13. 10. 2023
Brno, CZE

My class organized a representation ball for my school. We had a lot of fun doing it and got positive feedback on it and we even made some money.

My job was creating a system for purchasing tickets for the ball, I designed a website and a system to gather the individual sales. I also integrated PHP backend my classmate programmed. The site is not online anymore. I tracked all sales and sold the tickets physically myself. I took care of the finances along with another one of my classmates. I also played one of the main roles of our thematic play.

Church website
since 7/2023
Měnín, CZE

As the first non-personal coding project of mine, I took on the administration of the website of my local church. I created a modern website that is easy to use and easy to navigate. I update it every week so that my local church-goers know when the masses are and what is happening in the church. I also add any new relevant information.

I do this all for free because I don’t think taking money from the church like this is appropriate. I think of it as more of a handout.

AstroPi Hackathon Brno 2022
Competition for high school students, 21. - 22. 10. 2022
Brno, CZE

Together with a few friends of mine, I organized a competition for young students our age, to help them design an experiment for an international competition called AstroPi Challenge.

My job was to take care of and manage the finances for the project. Thanks to my work, we got support from several private companies in the field of space engineering and were able to offer the competitors a place to stay for the night and food so that they wouldn’t have to bring their own.

During the event itself, I moderated the parts common to all the competitors, I took care of the ending ceremony and the registration. I also created a website for the project:

My websites
since 2020

My personal websites have gone through a few iterations by now, and I intend to keep making them better, both in terms of design and usability. I started with one simple website dedicated primarily to my notes, then ended up with three (personal, music and notes). My personal website is currently v.3 and the music and notes websites are v.2. Recently, I also created a personal wiki, which is going to be a work-in-progress project of mine for a while.

I code these websites entirely on my own. They are static sites and I use the HUGO SSG which parses markdown into HTML. I created all my templates from scratch. You can view all my code on GitHub.